Saturday, 26 February 2011

Who Am I?

Freedom Fitness PLUS Study– WHO AM I?

If cats have 9 lives, people must have 5.

A 6 week voyage of discovery into participant’s Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, and Physical lives.  Membership includes kickboxing (or other group exercise) classes or gym access.  Training towards the CHC500 (a fundraising event for the Red Cross Canterbury Earthquake Appeal April 2, 2011) will occur throughout the course.
Session 1 (2 hours)
Who Am I?: Course participants bring in and/or discuss their favourite song, movie, or book.
Course Introduction and Overview: Explain the interaction between the 5 human lives, discuss the results of pursuing change through different approaches and discuss examples including tribal behaviours.
Course Introduction Learning Outcome: Students will understand there is an interplay between the 5 human lives which help them make choices.  They will be introduced to the two main approaches easily available to effectively attain personal growth in each area and change life outcomes for themselves.
Session 2 (1 hour)
Spiritual Subject Outline: Not necessarily a religious subject (unless course participants want to relate religiously).  Introduce the effect of world history on faith, thought patterns, and beliefs.  Examples used will be Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, World War II’s Hitler and Churchill.
Spiritual Subject Learning Outcome: Students will understand how a study of history can assist them develop a better future, make a decision as to which area of history would benefit the student most in developing their spiritual life, and what kind of faith model they wish to pursue.
Session 3 (1 hour)
Intellectual Subject Outline: A discussion on how an individual’s intellectual understanding will affect their other lives, what kind of intellectual understanding will be of greatest interest to the student, and how to go about pursuing that interest.
Intellectual Subject Learning Outcome: A decision as to which topics will be pursued by the student on an intellectual basis, why, and how.
Session 4 (1 hour)
Emotional Subject Outline: What are emotions?  Why do we have them? What is their job? How do they affect our life and our decisions?  What are the ways we can experience emotion?
Emotional Subject Learning Outcome: Further development and understanding of how our emotions affect our decisions and how to employ emotions to make better decisions.
Session 5 ( 1hour)
Social Subject Outline: How the previous subjects covered affect our social decisions.  How to develop new social networks (if necessary).  Review how human tribal behaviour works and its significance with regards to how we conduct ourselves and the decisions we make.
Social Subject Learning Outcome: Acquisition of the tools necessary to qualify and make more discerning social decisions.
Session 6 and 7 (1 hour) and (1 hour)
Physical Subject Outline: The two versions (Body and Material), the relevance of our physical lives in the community, and how to change it if we do not like the physical life we have.
Physical Subject Learning Outcome: The opportunity to increase fitness, health, and wealth.
Material – An understanding of material wealth, it’s significance, the three ways it is created, the three reasons why we work, how to work smarter and not harder.
Social Subject Reprisal from a Material Standpoint: Social networks for business.  How to develop social networks in business.
Social Subject Learning Outcome from a Material Standpoint: Acquisition of the tools necessary to qualify and make more discerning social decisions for business.
Session 8 (1 hour)
Body - An understanding of the body, its energy systems, basic anatomy, movement, and fitness.
Session 9 (2 hours)
Goal Setting Workshop: Utilisation of the material covered to set new goals for the future life of participants via audio, visual, and kinaesthetic means.
Goal Setting Workshop Outcome: Plotting a course for life and personal development over the next 12 months.  Notification of access to resources to help participants keep on track throughout those 12 months which may include CHC500 and/or Kure It fund raising and BNI (where participants also learn through practical experience PR, Marketing, and Networking).
Course Applications by email to
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1 comment:

  1. A necessary part of the study is to make contributory efforts towards a gym community cause. One is the CHC500 where participants do 500 kicks in under 1 hour at the gym Open Day, April 2, 2011. Money raised goes to the Red Cross Canterbury Earthquake Appeal. Alternatively, for those not interested in kickboxing, there will be other group exercise classes or supervised gym visits made available along with the opportunity to assist Kure It, a charity that raises funds for orphan cancer research.
